Grape vines and living brands.
Can brands make people's lives better? Can they make the world a better place? Can they build community? Can they give people purpose? Find out on a walk through the grape vines on Northern Vancouver Island.
Why we partner with our clients.
You can’t dance the Rumba by yourself. I mean you can, but it’s better with a partner. See what partnership means to us and why it’s how we choose to work with our clients.
This year Lobby turned 8.
Sometimes it’s the squiggly line and not the straight one that you need to walk. Like newly mobile toddlers evading their sleep-deprived parents, we have moved thusly through branding our business these past years. And now we’re done. Probably. Maybe. It’s ongoing. Read about our struggles, our passions, see our first logo (yikes) and more in our first ever blog post.